giovedì 11 aprile 2013

Berlino day 2.

Ciao a tutti come va? Oggi vi scrivo direttamente da Berlino!;)
Devo dire che è una città davvero bella!
Quindi ho deciso di farvi un diario dei miei giorni di permanenza qui!
Ecco alcune foto del mio secondo giorno!
I vestiti sono maglione Zara, pantaloni Mac, scarpe timberland e borsa Benetton.

7 commenti:

  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time!
    Loving your outfit :)
    You really do have a lovely blog, just stumbled across it now

    Would you like to follow each other via GFC and bloglovin’?
    If so let me know and I’ll follow you right back

    My blog is a fashion/lifestyle blog!

    Speak soon,
    Have a lovely day
    Much Love,
    Kate xo

  2. Hi! Thank you a lot! :) Now I'll visit your blog and sure we can follow each other on GFC!
    Veronica xo

  3. Hey there!
    What a nice blog you have! I hope you enjoy Germany (I am from Germany but currently living in the US :))
    Would you like to follow each other?


    1. Hi Larissa, now i follow you on GFC. Follow me on bloglovin?
      Bye xoxo

  4. Berlin !!!!
    J'ai trop envie de découvrir cette ville :)


    Coline ♡

  5. Hi!:) now I follow you on GFC. I hope that you follow me back!:)

  6. Hi Kate, now I follow you! I hope that you follow me too! Thank you for your comment:)
